Thursday, May 14, 2020

Pharmaceutical Drugs And Its Effects - 2008 Words

Drug delivery is the process by which a pharmaceutical drug is delivered to the patient to provide medical treatment to ameliorate the well-being of the patient and prolong their lifespan. While pharmaceutical drugs have shown to be of great aid in the treatment of patients injecting foreign compounds throughout the entire body can be hazardous and cause unforeseen consequences. The side effects of some drugs are can prove to be life-threatening if consumed irregularly and even under the best conditions drugs can still have nasty side-effects. To try and solve this issue biomedical engineers have designed several drug delivery systems to combat this issue. There were three main factors that were considered to minimize the damage done by pharmaceutical drugs. The first thing that was needed to be done was to increase the drug acting period and this was generally achieved by linking the drug with macromolecules or encapsulating the drug within a polymer. The next major contribution was to enhance the targeting ability of the drug so the drug found the site of action instead of spreading itself randomly throughout the body; this was done mainly through the use of linking the drug with an antibody and ligand so it would react to the a certain type of cell as well as avoid natural defenses placed by the host’s body. After the drug reached the site of action the release of the drug needed to be controlled at the action site (such as tissues/organs) and this was done throughShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Counterfeited Drugs On Pharmaceutical Companies1643 Words   |  7 Pages The Effect of Counterfeited Drugs on Pharmaceutical Companies The market for counterfeit pharmaceuticals has grown exponentially in the last five years. According to an estimate published by the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest in the USA, â€Å"Worldwide sales of counterfeit medicines could top US$ 75 billion this year, a 90% rise in five years† (WHO, 2010). 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